New Membership

Welcome! To become a member please download a membership form and post to us along with your cheque/money order (details listed on the form.)

Or sign up online:

    Title (required)

    Your Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Telephone No.

    Mobile No.

    Affiliation / Company / University / Independent Scholar (required)


    Are you a member of an Animal Studies Reading Group? If so, which one?

    URL for your Website/Blog/Staff Profile

    Street Address (required)

    Mailing Address (if different from above)

    Please fill out the following sections for your website profile:

    In order for us to process your application please provide up to 150 words regarding your animal related interests/research

    Outputs (publications, teaching, presentations, blog, website, etc)

    Are you available for Supervision

    Please list potential areas/disciplines for research supervision

    A suitable photo or other image is encouraged. This can be sent to

    Membership Type
    Regular ($50)Concession ($25)

    Payment Method

    If my application is accepted, I agree to be bound by the rules of the Australasian Animal Studies Association.

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