Renew Membership

The Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) relies on membership fees to support and improve its initiatives. We appreciate your ongoing support. To renew your membership please download this form and post to us along with your cheque/money order (details listed on the form.)

Or sign up online:

    Title (required)

    Your Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Telephone No.

    Mobile No.

    Affiliation / Company / University / Independent Scholar (required)


    Are you a member of an Animal Studies Reading Group? If so, which one?

    URL for your Website/Blog/Staff Profile

    Street Address (required)

    Mailing Address (if different from above)

    Please fill out the following sections for your website profile:

    Please provide up to 150 words regarding your current animal related interests or research

    Outputs (publications, teaching, presentations, blog, website, etc)

    Are you available for Supervision

    Please list potential areas/disciplines for research supervision

    A suitable photo or other image is encouraged. This can be sent to

    Membership Type
    Regular ($50)Concession ($25)

    Payment Method

    If my application is accepted, I agree to be bound by the rules of the Australasian Animal Studies Association.