O’Sullivan, Dr Siobhan

O’Sullivan, Dr Siobhan
O’Sullivan, Dr Siobhan


University of New South Wales
Research interests / activities:

Animal welfare policy; Environmental ethics

Siobhan presents a regular podcast, Knowing Animals, on all things animal and ethics related:  http://knowinganimals.libsyn.com/

Outputs: O’Sullivan S, 2011, Animals, Equality and Democracy, Palgrave Macmillan. O’Sullivan S; Hadley J, 2013, ‘Utilitarianism for the Dog that had Everything’, in Hales S (ed.), What Philosophy Can Tell You about Your Dog, Open Court, pp. 285 – 294. Sima Y; O’Sullivan S, 2016, ‘Chinese Animal Protection Law and the Globalisation of Welfare Norms’, International Journal of Law in Context, vol. 12, pp. 1 – 23.
Reading group: Knowing Animals