mowson, lynn

mowson, lynn
mowson, lynn

Research Assistant & Steering Committee Member, Human Rights and Animal Ethics Research Network

University of Melbourne

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Research interests / activities:

I undertook my visual arts PhD at VCA, The University of Melbourne. My PhD was entitled ‘beautiful little dead things: empathy, witnessing, trauma and animals’ suffering’.  During this research I investigated the role of empathy and trauma in relation to witnessing and bearing witness to animals’ suffering, specifically as it affected my sculptural practice.  The precarious nature of empathy, and the ability of sculpture to bear witness to the co-existent visibility and invisibility of animals continues to be central to my practice.

My focus on the plight of dairy cattle continues in my current series of works Untitled [udder-ness].

Outputs: Essay in Art of the Animal: 14 Women Artists Explore the Sexual Politics of Meat. Exhibitions: Beautiful Little Dead Things 2014, Creaturely Feelings, 2015, Director’s Cut, The Blake Prize 2016, Animaladies, 2016, The Art of the Animal, 2016
Potential areas for collaboration: Fleshy / trauma / climate / animal liberation
Potential areas for research supervision: Visual Arts / Sculpture
Reading group: HRAE Knowing Animals Reading Group