Salter, Dr Colin
Colin Salter researches across movements for peace and justice. He is primarily interested in critical animals studies, whiteness, postcolonial studies, gender and masculinity, and microsociology (activism as subcultural practice). In particular, his research explores strategies and approaches to social change (i.e. nonviolent action) in theory and practice. He also has an interest in the use of the internet and social media for social change, and as pedagogical tools more broadly.
His publications include the books ‘Animals and War: Confronting the Military-Animal Industrial Complex’ (2014, editor)—winner of the Central New York Peace Studies Consortium Peace Studies Book of the Year Award; Whiteness and Social Change (2013); and papers ‘Animals and War: Anthropocentrism and Technoscience’ (2015); ‘Intersections of the colonial and postcolonial: pragmatism, praxis and transformative grassroots activism at Sandon Point’ (2014); and ‘Activism as Terrorism: The Green Scare, Radical Environmentalism and Governmentality’ 2011).