Christine Townend

Herds, oil 3′ x 2.6″

This painting describes the journey of the human-animal interrelation through the passage of time, from the earliest epochs when animals were drawn on caves. There is a mixing of consciousness of human and non-human animals and also a physical dependence.

Christine Townend is an artist and writer. She has held five solo art exhibitions, and also illustrates the covers of books. She has had poetry, short stories and eleven books published. She founded Animal Liberation in Australia in 1976, two animal shelters in Darjeeling and Kalimpong, and for seventeen years was the managing trustee of Help in Suffering Animal Shelter in Jaipur Rajasthan. She now lives in Australia but still visits the shelters in India twice a year.

VISIT: For further information the work of the shelters in India can be viewed at