Lennox, Rowena

Lennox, Rowena
Writer, University of Technology Sydney
Research interests / activities:

I’m writing a book about dingoes and people for my doctorate in creative arts at UTS

Outputs: Essay, ‘Head of a Dog’ Southerly, The Naked Writer, 2014 Interview with Bill Gammage published in first issue of online journal Writers in Conversation, February 2014 (http://dspace.flinders.edu.au/jspui/bitstream/2328/27263/1/Gammage_Lennox.pdf ) What I’m Reading (about Frank Dalby Davison’s Dusty and Jack London’s Call of the Wild), Meanjin blog, 2 December 2013 (http://meanjin.com.au/blog/post/what-i-m-readingrowena-lennox/)