Singer, Hayley
University of Melbourne
Outputs: Conference paper, ‘Performing response-abilities: fleshy encounters in a time of ecological crisis’ at Performance Climates, University of Melbourne 2016 Conference paper, ‘Jamming the Carnophallogocentric machine’ presented at Animaladies, University of Sydney, 2016. Conference paper, ‘Jamming the Carnophallogocentric machine’ presented at Beyond the Human: Feminism and ‘the animal turn” at the University of Woollongong, 2016. Conference paper, ‘Writing the ‘Fleischgeist” presented at Animal Publics, University of Melbourne, 2015.
Potential areas for collaboration: – Examination of portrayals of women, non-human animals and plant life in contemporary literature. In particular, contemporary literature written by women. The imaginal ecologies of meat – exploring images of women and animals as meat in fiction Writing ‘beyond the human’ – writing praxis that engages with poetics, politics and ethics that move beyond Western culture’s dominant human centred narrative perspectives
Potential areas for research supervision: ecofeminism and literature writing fiction beyond the human portrayals of non-human life in narrative the imaginal ecologies of meat
Reading group: HRAE Knowing Animals Reading Group, University of Melbourne